Architecture Design Software in the year of New Normal

Architects used to make all of their drawings, paperwork, and models by hand before the advent of computer-aided design (CAD) and architectural software. The method was tedious and time-consuming, and making a mistake meant restarting the entire process. Today, technology has made things much easier by introducing tools that can be utilized to make extremely accurate 2D and 3D drawings. As a result, architects have fully embraced this method of working, and today, all building design and planning is done on computers.

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Architecture Design Software in the year of New Normal

New Normal year

In many respects, this wave has served as a wake-up call for the greater architectural community. It has undoubtedly caused many architects and architectural firms to reconsider their design tools. Many of them are now willing to have dialogues about switching to smarter technology, which they would not have considered previously. Most likely, now is the appropriate time for the sector to accept a futuristic instrument.

Best architecture design software being compared


For 2D drafting, AutoCAD software for architects is highly recommended by architects and architectural businesses. It is regarded as an essential learning tool for architecture students and professionals alike. It has its own history, but what it appears to lack is the capacity to move with the times and understand today's architectural design requirements. While it is simple to use for 2D drafting, its 3D features are notoriously difficult to master. Learning AutoCAD also necessitates specialized training, resulting in a steep learning curve. Furthermore, AutoCAD demands more advanced technical specs on your computer to run.

**Revit **

It is well-known for its BIM workflow, automation, and collaborative features. However, it has recently been under fire from the world's major architectural companies for its lack of development, lack of BIM compatibility, and rising pricing, as they did not perceive Revit as providing them with value for their money. It was also said to be deficient incomprehension of the architectural world's business needs.


Most architects consider SketchUp to be a good design program for concept generation and 3D modeling, and it also has an easy-to-use interface that assures a minimal learning curve for architects. It comes in three versions: a desktop version, a web app, and a web-view version for phones and tablets. The SketchUp program may be used to create right on the web. The SketchUp Viewer is a web-based interface that can be accessed from an Android phone or an iPhone/iPad, but some architects may find the experience on the app/phone to be less intuitive.


Snaptrude is a BIM-compatible cloud-based 3D modeling program that focuses on architectural concept design. Snaptrude architecture design software provides a lot of automation features and exports, imports, and BIM compatibility allow it to interface with another important design tool. Snaptrude, unlike SketchUp, provides automation based on architectural aspects, allowing it to meet the needs of architects. It also works on tablets, so architects may use it on their iPads. Drawing floor plans, interior layouts, presentation graphics, and data security were all better with Snaptrude design software.